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Completed major refractory repair & maintenance work in reheating furnace

17 Dec 2022

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During the shutdown period, RHI Magnesita site team successfully executed the refractory repair and maintenance work in hot strip mills at TATA Steel Kalinganagar. This is for the second time that our customer trusted RHI Magnesita team for major refractory repair job. Two reheating furnaces of walking beam type, with capacity of 350 ton/hrs. and approx. 50 m long, were put for major refractory maintenance work. It took 5 days and more than 120 colleagues to conduct mammoth task and successfully complete its execution.

Change of roof insulation and roof block, skid block replacement, alignment of hearth block, peep hole repair, side wall repair, thermocouple area casting, ceramic fiber installation inside the panel joint area, lintel repair, gunning inside furnace etc. were some of the tasks that were implemented.

The repair job was implemented in a confined space with adherence to all the safety norms like risk mapping, regular CO,O2 level monitoring inside furnace, ensuring positive isolation etc. In terms of area and job load, there were numerous activities being simultaneously implemented in both the furnaces.
