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Digitalize your kiln inspections to enhance safety and performance

RHI Magnesita India has successfully performed its first Laser Evaluation Scan (LES) for one of its cement customers, marking a significant advancement in kiln evaluation techniques. This innovative method was ...

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Refractory Bricks: Symbolizing Endurance and Innovation Throughout Human History

Refractory bricks are unsung heroes in the industrial alchemy of fire and metal. These bricks protect the crucible where industry and invention meet in tremendous heat like knights in armor. 

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An Explanatory Guide to the Types of Refractory Materials

‘Refractory’ refers to a material's mechanical strength, particularly at high temperatures. Different types of refractory materials from major Indian manufacturers and utilized across industries ...

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Refractory Cement and Refractory Concrete: Overview, Properties, and Applications

In the age of rapid industrialization, all of us seek progress and growth. Over the past 50 years, almost all types of industries have seen a new dawn of advancements and progressions. 

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Refractory Industry in India: Major Consumers, Evolving Market, and the Future Forecast

It is no longer a hidden secret now that India has entered a phase of rapid growth. In this significant phase, the country is witnessing a never-before growth in a large number of industries and sectors.

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Steps Involved in the Production of Refractories, along with Emissions and Controls

Materials called refractories serve as ‘refractory lining in blast furnaces’ for high-temperature and other processing machinery. Refractories need to be resistant to abrasion, high temperatures ...

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Some Top Industries Wherein Refractories Form the Core of Operations

Every industrial manufacturing process that deals with severe temperatures needs refractory solutions.  Refractory products are produced and supplied by various companies in India for applications in a wide ...

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Exploring the Refractories Comprehensively Used in the Cement Industry

Cement has played a very crucial role in the journey of mankind right from caves to skyscrapers. It has a lion’s share in the development and progression of modern civilization as a material for the ...

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Refractory Bricks: Types, Specifications, and Characteristics

Refractory bricks, manufactured by the top basic refractory bricks suppliers in India are unconventional types of bricks. 

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Special Refractories: Overview, Classifications, and Applications

Refractory solutions are considered to be the lifeblood of many industries particularly those that work under extreme temperatures. Whatever we see around us has either a direct or indirect connection with ...

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